
  • SS24 Lookbook

    ‘Critical Thinking 2’ is an expansion upon an abstract look at “today”. Elaborating on the initial “critical thinking” t-shirt capsule we did in 2020, continued themes, ideologies, recommendations, etc. such as herd mentality, Voltaire’s garden, and individuality; amongst other psychological and cultural narratives are explored.

    Are we commenting on what you think we’re commenting on? That’s for you to decide. The current viewer of the ‘work’ defines the meaning according to what they need from it. It continues with each subsequent viewer. You see it on our page, someone sees it on you when you’re wearing it and so on. We add context, meaning, and guidance but ultimately the true meaning is amorphous and dynamic.

    Core context finds the ‘student’ in search of purpose who embarks on a spiritual trip, similar to the Beatles or Steve Jobs trip to India in search of “enlightenment.”  This search extends to the capsule collection “The Sacred Mountain 2” which is the physical place we are called to for exploration. This capsule, including done a collaboration with Merrell, is a core influence to the season. Stylistically, the collection is the blend of these worlds while conceptually thinking relative to present day. Summary: Vintage Ivy League, 60’s California climbing, foreign influence, exploration and enlightenment, transition to adult life, and critical thought process during a time which can best be described at the depths of uncertainty.

    This is a transition year. Everything is changing on all fronts. We predicted this, we knew it was coming in one form or another and we know this collection is vastly important for those in our community right now; today. It’s time to think critically.

  • Advisory Board Crystals x Vans 2

  • The Fantasies

    For our capsule collection with the NBA, we created the 31st fictional team, “The Fantasies.” We embody an entirely novel approach to basketball – one founded on the essence of human connection and shared aspirations. 
  • Westside Gunn for Advisory Board Crystals

    Fall/Winter 2023 “American Consciousness 2”
  • Abc. Fall Winter 2023

    Our collective consciousness is an ever evolving revolving door forever in search of the current zeitgeist. This set of shared beliefs, ideas, and moral attitudes which operate as a unifying force within society at times can be what also divides us.
  • FW23 Collection Lookbook

    American Consciousness 2